(Bloomberg) High Yield Market Highlights
- US junk bond yields rose for the second day in a row and spreads widened 11 basis points to an almost four-month high of 431, driving modest losses for the second consecutive session. Losses were tempered as 10-year Treasury yields slid from near 5% last week to 4.85% on Thursday, driving modest gains for week ended Friday.
- Sliding Treasury yields in the aftermath of stronger-than-expected growth led to modest gains for the week across the high-yield market. Yields have dropped eight basis points week-to-date, while returns sit at 0.38% for the same period.
- CCC yields, the riskiest part of the junk bond market, climbed 12 basis points on Thursday to close near 14%, a seven-month high.
- Steadily climbing yields and strong growth renewed concerns about rates staying higher for longer pushing nervous investors to pull cash out of US high yield funds.
- US high-yield funds reported outflows of $942m for week ended Oct. 25, the seventh straight week of cash exits.
- Rising yields and Treasury volatility this month kept borrowers on the sidelines.
- The month-to-date volume is a little more than $8b. The week-to-date volume is a modest $2.24b.
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