(Bloomberg) High Yield Market Highlights
- US junk-bond yields surged to seven-month highs as risk premiums rose to levels not seen since August, driving the biggest one-day loss since December, amid the escalating trade war after Donald Trump threatened more tariffs on European exports.
- The risk premium for junk bonds, as reflected in spreads, closed at 335 after widening 22 basis points on Thursday, the biggest move in seven months.
- Credit spreads are not pricing in enough risk, Barclays strategists Brad Rogoff and Dominique Toublan wrote on Friday. Barclays revised its spread forecast for 2025 to 400-425 basis points versus its earlier forecast of 275-300 basis points
- As junk bonds plunged, yields jumped the most in seven months to close at 7.67%.
- Amid tumbling bond prices, rising yields and widening spreads, the primary market stalled on Thursday as US borrowers remained on the sidelines. Just $4b was priced this week compared with $8b last week
- The losses in the junk-bond market extended across ratings. CCCs, the riskiest segment, suffered the worst losses since last summer.
- CCC yields approached 11% on Thursday, rising 28 basis points. Yields were at a new six-month high
- BB spreads closed at 213, also a seven-month high. Yields closed at 6.44%, a two-month high. BBs racked up a loss of 0.33% on Thursday, the biggest one-day loss this year
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