Author: Rich Balestra - Portfolio Manager

06 Apr 2020

2020 Q1 High Yield Quarterly

In the first quarter of 2020, the Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate High Yield  Index  (“Index”) return was ‐12.68%, and the CAM High Yield Composite gross total return was ‐10.03%. The S&P 500 stock index return was ‐19.60% (including dividends reinvested) for Q1. The 10 year US  Treasury rate  (“10  year”)  generally drifted lower throughout the quarter finishing at 0.67%, down 1.25% from the beginning of the quarter.

The 10 year did make a record low of 0.54% in early March. That is just one of the many records to take place across markets in 2020. During the quarter, the Index option adjusted spread (“OAS”) widened 544 basis points moving from 336 basis points to 880 basis points. During the first quarter, each quality segment of the High  Yield Market participated in the spread widening as BB rated securities widened  472 basis points, B rated securities widened 532 basis points, and CCC rated securities, widened 836 basis  points.   Take  a  look  at  the  chart  below  from  Bloomberg  to  see  the  eye‐popping  visual  of  the  enormous spread move in the Index. The chart displays data for the past five years. Notice the previous ramp in the Index OAS spread from 2015. That ramp took seven months before reaching the peak and topped out around 850 basis points. The ramp‐up this time around happened inside of five weeks and topped out at 1100 basis points. “It sure was a long year this past month,” is a saying that seems to capture the feelings of many across Wall Street as the first quarter closed.

The  Utility,  Technology,  and  Insurance  sectors  were  the  best  performers  during  the  quarter,  posting  returns of ‐5.06%, ‐5.31%, and ‐5.95%, respectively. On the other hand, Energy, Transportation, and REITs  were  the  worst performing  sectors,  posting  returns  of ‐38.94%, ‐20.90%,  and ‐16.87%, respectively. At the industry level, wireless, supermarkets, pharma, and food/beverage all posted the best  returns.   The  wireless  industry  (‐1.04%)  posted  the  highest  return.   The  lowest  performing  industries during the quarter were oil field services, e&p energy, retail REITs, and leisure. The oil field services industry (‐49.18%) posted the lowest return.

During  the  first  quarter,  the  high  yield primary market posted $81.8 billion  in  issuance.   That  is  the  total issuance including a market that was essentially closed for the month of  March.   Issuance within  Financials was the strongest with almost 23% of the total during the quarter.  The  last  few  days  of  March did see the high yield market begin to open up just a bit for issuance. That was a very encouraging sign to see. We expect that  when  the  issuance  door  opens  some  more,  there  will  likely  be  a  flood  of  companies  coming to  market to fortify their balance sheets.

The  Federal  Reserve  was  very  busy  during  the  quarter.   They  pulled  out  all  the  stops  by  not  only  dropping the Target Rate to an upper bound of 0.25%, but they passed numerous programs (PMCCF, SMCCF, TALF, MMLF, CPFF, etc.) in order to keep the credit markets functioning. While they may run out  of  acronyms  at  some  point,  they  truly  are  injecting  unprecedented  amounts  of  support  in  the  markets. Additionally, after some political wrangling, Congress passed a massive $2 trillion rescue package. The package is very wide reaching and a critical piece of legislation that will go a long way to help support businesses and citizens during such a troubling time.

While Target Rate moves tend to have a more immediate impact on the short end of the yield curve, yields on intermediate Treasuries decreased 125 basis points over the quarter, as the 10‐year Treasury yield  was  at  1.92%  on  December  31st,  and  0.67%  at  the  end  of  the  quarter.   The  5‐year  Treasury  decreased 131 basis points over the quarter, moving from 1.69% on December 31st, to 0.38% at the end of the quarter. Intermediate term yields more often reflect GDP and expectations for future economic growth and inflation rather than actions taken by the FOMC to adjust the Target Rate. There is no doubt that  economic  reports  are  going  to  be  quite  noisy  over  the  balance  of  2020.   However,  the  revised  fourth quarter GDP print was 2.1% (quarter over quarter annualized rate), and the current consensus view of economists suggests a GDP for 2020 around ‐1.3% with inflation expectations around 1.3%.

The global pandemic and crumbling oil prices were the main themes in the quarter leading to markets falling at the fastest pace everi. The energy sector was hit especially hard as crude fell from $60 to $20 a barrel.   The  price  drop  was  due  not  only  to  demand  destruction  caused  by  the  COVID‐19  economic  fallout but also a supply side dispute between Russia and Saudi Arabia. An OPEC meeting broke down when Russia wouldn’t agree to production cuts. In a follow‐up move, Saudi Arabia decided that they would not only increase production but slash their selling price as well. The energy market has been reeling  ever  sinceii.   Within  high  yield,  the  downgrades  have  been  plentiful  and  the  bankruptcies  are  beginning to trickle in.

Being  a  more  conservative  asset  manager,  Cincinnati  Asset Management is structurally underweight CCC and lower rated securities. This positioning has served our  clients  well  so  far  in  2020.   As  noted  above,  our  High Yield Composite gross total return has outperformed  the  Index  over  the  first  quarter  measurement period. With the market so weak during the first quarter, our cash position was a main driver of our  overall performance.  Further,  our  structural  underweight  of  CCC  rated  securities  was  a  benefit.   Additionally, our underweight positioning in the communications sector was a drag on our performance. While  our  overweight  positioning  in  energy  hurt  performance,  our  credit  selections  within  the  midstream industry performed much better than the sector. Unfortunately, our credit selections within the  consumer  cyclical  services,  leisure,  and  auto  industries  hurt  performance.  However,  our  underweight in the transportation sector and our overweight in the consumer non‐cyclical sector were bright spots. Further, our credit selections within the media and healthcare industries were a benefit to performance.

The  Bloomberg  Barclays  US  Corporate  High  Yield  Index  ended  the  first quarter  with  a  yield  of  9.44%.   This yield is an average that is barbelled by the CCC‐rated cohort yielding 17.54% and a BB rated slice yielding 7.24%. Equity volatility, as measured by the Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index (“VIX”), had the proverbial moonshot moving from 14 to a high of 83. For context, the average was 15 over the course of 2019. The first quarter had four issuers default  on  their  debt,  and  the  trailing  twelve  month  default rate was 3.35%iii. Default rates are on the rise and the strategists on Wall Street are already bumping up  their  forecasts.  Fundamentals  of  high  yield  companies have been mostly good and will no doubt be tested as we move through 2020. From a technical perspective, supply is still tracking higher than last year at this time even including the March shutdown of  the  primary  market.   High  yield  has  certainly  had  trouble  this  year;  however  there  are  now  many  more opportunities present in the market than existed just three months ago. For clients that have an investment horizon over a complete market cycle, high yield deserves to be considered in the portfolio allocation.

With the High Yield Market trading at the current elevated spread level, it is important that we exercise discipline and selectivity in our credit choices moving forward. We are very much on the lookout for any pitfalls as well as opportunities for our clients. The market needs to be carefully monitored to evaluate that the given compensation for the perceived level of risk remains appropriate on a security by security basis.  It  is  important  to  focus  on  credit  research  and  buy  bonds  of  corporations  that  can  withstand  economic headwinds and also enjoy improved credit metrics in a stable to improving economy. As always, we will continue our search for value and adjust positions as we uncover compelling situations. Finally, we are very grateful for the trust placed in our team to manage your capital through such an  unprecedented time.

This information is intended solely to report on investment strategies identified by Cincinnati Asset Management. Opinions and estimates offered constitute our judgment and are subject to change without  notice,  as  are  statements  of  financial  market  trends,  which  are  based  on  current  market  conditions. This material is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument. Fixed income securities may be sensitive to prevailing interest rates. When rates rise the  value  generally  declines.   Past  performance  is  not  a  guarantee  of  future  results.   Gross  of  advisory fee performance does not reflect the deduction of investment advisory fees. Our advisory fees  are  disclosed  in  Form  ADV  Part  2A.   Accounts  managed  through  brokerage  firm  programs  usually will include additional fees. Returns are calculated monthly in U.S. dollars and include reinvestment of dividends and interest. The index is unmanaged and does not take into account fees, expenses, and transaction costs. It is shown for comparative purposes and is based on information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation is made to its accuracy or completeness.

i Wall Street Journal March 24, 2020: “Markets Melt Down at Fastest Pace Ever”

ii Wall Street Journal April 1, 2020: “Price War Batters OPEC’s Weak”

iii JP Morgan April 1, 2020: “Default Monitor”

03 Apr 2020

CAM High Yield Weekly Insights

Fund Flows & Issuance:  According to a Wells Fargo report, flows week to date were +$5.9 billion and year to date flows stand at -$18.9 billion.  New issuance for the week was $0.6 billion and year to date issuance is at $72.1 billion.


(Bloomberg)  High Yield Market Highlights

  • The U.S. junk bond market is springing back into action with more companies looking to issue debt. Investors poured cash into U.S. high-yield funds with an influx of $5.9 billion.
  • Borrowers have started testing risk appetite again with sales of senior secured bonds as the leveraged loan market remains on ice, according to one high-yield syndicate banker
  • Junk bonds may slip Friday as stock futures fall following disappointing economic data from Europe and ahead of March payrolls that are expected to decline for the first time since 2010
  • A jump in oil prices may lend some support with the OPEC+ coalition pushing for other major oil producers to join it in a deep reduction of global crude output
  • Junk-bond yields rose 4bps to 9.77% but have dropped by more than 190bps from 11.69% on March 23. Spreads widened 10bp to +919bps
  • Junk-bond returns were negative for the second day, with 0.37%
  • CAA yields fell 9bps to 18.04% and spreads tightened to +1,772. Posted losses of 0.6%


(Bloomberg)  Investors Clamor for Credit With New Deal Demand Off the Charts 

  • Investors are meeting a flood of corporate debt issuance with even greater demand, a strong sign for risk appetite as issuers continue to bring new deals.
  • YUM! Brands Inc., bringing the first U.S. high-yield offering in nearly a month, already boosted the size of its deal to $600 million from $500 million amid $3 billion of orders. Oracle Corp., which was downgraded by two credit raters after announcing a deal Monday, has amassed more than $50 billion in orders for what could now be at least a $15 billion offering, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
  • Credit markets are showing signs of thawing, as strong reception of record investment-grade issuance has trickled into the high-yield market. While market access was initially limited to only top-notch firms like Exxon Mobil Corp. and PepsiCo Inc. just two weeks ago, investors have since gotten more comfortable with riskier names, and massive demand has cut down borrowing costs.
  • Last week, U.S. companies borrowed a record $109 billion, met with $550 billion of demand, in what one dealer called a “food fight” for new bonds. It was a similar story in Europe, where investors placed more than 310 billion euros ($340 billion) of orders for about 75 billion euros of bonds.
  • “As corporates should remain keen on retaining liquidity to weather the growing pain of lockdowns, we expect issuance windows to continue to attract issuers,” Commerzbank strategists said in a note to clients this morning.
  • YUM! Brands is bringing the first junk bond sale since March 4, one of the most positive signs of the recovery in credit to date. The investment-grade market continues to be active, with 12 deals in the market as of 12:49 p.m. in New York on Monday.
  • Airlines worldwide raised more than $17 billion in bank loans in March to shore up finances as the coronavirus grounds flights, with U.S. carriers like Delta the most active.


This information is intended solely to report on investment strategies identified by Cincinnati Asset Management. Opinions and estimates offered constitute our judgment and are subject to change without notice, as are statements of financial market trends, which are based on current market conditions. This material is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument. Fixed income securities may be sensitive to prevailing interest rates. When rates rise the value generally declines. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Gross of advisory fee performance does not reflect the deduction of investment advisory fees. Our advisory fees are disclosed in Form ADV Part 2A. Accounts managed through brokerage firm programs usually will include additional fees. Returns are calculated monthly in U.S. dollars and include reinvestment of dividends and interest. The index is unmanaged and does not take into account fees, expenses, and transaction costs. It is shown for comparative purposes and is based on information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation is made to its accuracy or completeness.

27 Mar 2020

CAM High Yield Weekly Insights

Fund Flows & Issuance:  According to a Wells Fargo report, flows week to date were -$2.0 billion and year to date flows stand at -$24.9 billion.  New issuance for the week was zero and year to date issuance is at $71.5 billion.

 (Bloomberg)  High Yield Market Highlights 

  • U.S. junk bonds are off the lows after this week’s strong gains but may struggle as equity markets falter. Spreads have backed off from the 1,000 bps distressed level where they started the week, and robust ETF inflows help boost sentiment.
  • Investors pulled $2b from retail funds in the week. This was the sixth straight week of outflows from U.S. high-yield funds
  • Junk yields dropped below 11% to close at 10.33%, down 67bps, the biggest decline in percentage terms since June 2000
  • Spreads closed at 959bps after the biggest drop in nine months
  • Returns were up for three consecutive sessions
  • BB yields fell 44bps to close at 8.31% and spreads tightened 45bps at +746
  • Single-B yields fell 84bps to 10.01%, the biggest drop since 2008, and spreads tightened the most in nine months, to 937bps
  • Energy sector yields dropped 63bps to 22.38%, the third day of decline and the longest declining streak in 10 weeks
  • Spreads tightened for a foruth straight session closing at +2,161, down 54bps, the longest declining streak in 11 weeks

(Bloomberg)  What’s in Congress’s $2 Trillion Coronavirus Stimulus Package

  • The bill provides direct help to citizens, businesses, hospitals and state and local governments.
  • Big Businesses: About $500 billion can be used to back loans and assistance to companies, including $50 billion for loans to U.S. airlines, as well as state and local governments.
  • Small Businesses: More than $350 billion to aid small businesses.
  • Hospitals: A $150 billion boost for hospitals and other health-care providers for equipment and supplies.
  • Individuals: Direct payments to lower- and middle-income Americans of $1,200 for each adult, as well as $500 for each child. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said checks would be cut April 6.
  • Unemployed: Unemployment insurance extension to four months, bolstered by $600 weekly. Eligibility would be expanded to cover more workers.
  • Restrictions on Business Aid: Any company receiving a government loan would be subject to a ban on stock buybacks through the term of the loan plus one additional year. They also would have to limit executive bonuses and take steps to protect workers.
  • Transparency: The Treasury Department would have to disclose the terms of loans or other aid to companies, and a new Treasury inspector general would oversee the lending program.

(Bloomberg)   Distressed Debt Balloons to Almost $1 Trillion, Nears 2008 Peak

  • The amount of distressed debt in the U.S. has quadrupled in less than a week to nearly $1 trillion, reaching levels not seen since 2008 as the collapse of oil prices and fallout from the coronavirus shutters entire industries across the globe.
  • In total, the tally has ballooned to $934 billion of U.S. corporate bonds that yield at least 10 percentage points above Treasuries and loans that trade for less than 80 cents on the dollar, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
  • The coronavirus pandemic has caused the worst sell-off since the global financial crisis and deepened stress in credit markets. Driven by some of the lowest oil prices since the early 2000s, the amount of distressed bonds has surged to the highest level since April 2009.
  • Most of the distressed debt outstanding stems from U.S. energy companies battered by less travel demand and an all-out price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia. The capital-intensive industry, which financed its shale production largely through debt, suddenly faces the prospect of deeper losses after oil plunged below $20 a barrel. Last month, it traded above $50.
  • The amount of distressed debt tied to the oil and gas sector stands at over $161 billion, up from $128 billion a week ago. One of the biggest casualties has been Occidental Petroleum Corp., which has seen its funding costs skyrocket and its credit rating cut to make it the biggest fallen angel in the current downgrade cycle. Oxy’s bonds led the list of high-yield losers on Wednesday, with four of its issues among the top 10 decliners.
  • Energy isn’t alone. Every sector except utilities is under stress, with distressed ratios growing by double or triple digits. Telecommunications, retail, entertainment and healthcare industries make up the bulk of distressed debt. Retailers such as Neiman Marcus Group Inc. and theater chains such as AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc. have been hit hard as companies are forced to close and customers are told to stay home.
  • S. junk bonds entered distressed territory for the first time since the global financial crisis after spreads on the securities topped 1,000 basis points at the end of last week. The index move marks a period of turmoil in the credit markets as investors flee funds that buy all types of corporate debt.

(Bloomberg)  Ford Becomes Largest Fallen Angel After S&P Downgrade to Junk

  • Ford Motor Co. was cut to junk by S&P Global Ratings as the coronavirus pandemic delivers a shock to the global auto industry and renders the carmaker the largest fallen angel to date.
  • S&P downgraded Ford’s credit rating one notch to BB+ and may cut it further, according to a statement. The move follows Moody’s Investors Service, which dropped its rating Ford for the second time in sixth months earlier Wednesday. Its two high-yield ratings will remove its $35.8 billion of debt from the Bloomberg Barclays investment-grade index at the end of the month.
  • Ford is one of many auto companies facing what Moody’s calls an unprecedented “credit shock,” with the coronavirus outbreak also posing a major threat to peers including General Motors Co. and Volkswagen AG. But Ford is particularly at risk because of the problems it’s been having with executing an $11billion restructuring that’s yet to improve performance.
  • “Ford is managing through the coronavirus crisis in a way that safeguards our business, our workforce, our customers and our dealers,” the company said in an emailed statement. “We plan to emerge from this crisis as a stronger company.”


This information is intended solely to report on investment strategies identified by Cincinnati Asset Management. Opinions and estimates offered constitute our judgment and are subject to change without notice, as are statements of financial market trends, which are based on current market conditions. This material is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument. Fixed income securities may be sensitive to prevailing interest rates. When rates rise the value generally declines. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Gross of advisory fee performance does not reflect the deduction of investment advisory fees. Our advisory fees are disclosed in Form ADV Part 2A. Accounts managed through brokerage firm programs usually will include additional fees. Returns are calculated monthly in U.S. dollars and include reinvestment of dividends and interest. The index is unmanaged and does not take into account fees, expenses, and transaction costs. It is shown for comparative purposes and is based on information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation is made to its accuracy or completeness.

20 Mar 2020

CAM High Yield Weekly Insights

Fund Flows & Issuance:  According to a Wells Fargo report, flows week to date were -$5.3 billion and year to date flows stand at -$22.9 billion.  New issuance for the week was zero and year to date issuance is at $71.5 billion.

 (Bloomberg)  High Yield Market Highlights 

  • U.S. junk bonds may pare losses Friday with stock futures higher and oil extending a recovery. But the asset class has lost the most in any month so far since 2008, and investors pulled billions of dollars of cash from funds.
  • Yet the junk-bond index has posted losses for 11 straight sessions, with 2.63% on Thursday alone. The asset class has lost 17.6% year-to-date and 16.46% in March, the biggest monthly loss since 2008
  • High-yield spreads widened 72bps Thursday to 976bps. Single-B spreads widened 78bps to 990bps. That’s very close to the 1,000bps that’s typically considered distressed
  • In less than two weeks, the amount of distressed debt in the U.S. has doubled to a half-trillion dollars as the collapse of oil prices and the fallout from the coronavirus shutters entire industries.
  • Junk-bond yields jumped 63bps to close at 10.75%, the highest since September 2009
  • Energy-bond yields surged to a new 20-year high of 23.69%, with the index losing more than 37% this month
  • High-yield bonds with more than $1.37b outstanding are trading above upcoming call prices, making it attractive for issuers to redeem the securities in the next three months. But that’s down 70% from the prior week, and the primary market hasn’t seen a deal price since March 4

Junk Debt Market Freeze Risks $35 Billion Banker Headache

  • Banks that agreed to help private equity firms and highly leveraged companies fund recent acquisitions may have to come up with billions of dollars of their own cash
    to finance the deals if the market for risky debt remains shut.
  • Underwriters across Wall Street have committed to providing more than $30 billion to junk-rated companies by mid-year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg and people with knowledge of the matter who asked not to be identified because not authorized to speak publicly.
  • But with the markets for leveraged loans and high-yield bonds virtually shut since the Covid-19 pandemic triggered fears of a global recession, the banks now face the prospect that they might not be able to offload the risk before the takeovers are scheduled to close.
  • The exposure is a small fraction of the commitments they held heading into the 2008 financial crisis. Still, it could force banks to take losses or tie up capital for months just as
    dozens of companies are drawing credit lines or seeking fresh financing to cope with the coronavirus fallout.
  • The deals run the gamut of sectors and geographies, ranging from an $11 billion financing for the leveraged buyout of ThyssenKrupp’s elevator unit in Europe to a $500 million debt deal for Culligan’s acquisition of water-filtration company AquaVenture.
  • Representatives for lead arrangers including Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Deutsche Bank AG, Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc. and Barclays Plc declined to comment.
  • For the vast majority of deals, the acquisitions themselves are not in doubt. If the banks are unable to syndicate the loans to institutional investors before closing, they are typically required to come up with the cash, and may try to offload the debt at a later date.
21 Feb 2020

CAM High Yield Weekly Insights

Fund Flows & Issuance:  According to a Wells Fargo report, flows week to date were -$0.1 billion and year to date flows stand at $2.0 billion.  New issuance for the week was $3.1 billion and year to date issuance is at $63.7 billion.



(Bloomberg)  High Yield Market Highlights


  • It’s looking like a risk-off day in the junk-bond market as stock futures fall amid renewed concerns about the spread of the coronavirus outside China.
  • CAA yields, meanwhile, have crossed the 10% mark for the first time in three weeks.
  • Issuers are likely to remain on the sidelines Friday and the calendar is light, though Bausch Health is expected to emerge with a $3.25b junk-bond that’s part of a broader $8b refinancing
  • Yields rose 4bps to 5.13%, the biggest jump in three weeks though the index posted a modest gain of 0.018%
  • BA yields rose 4ps to 3.64%, single-B yields rose to 5%



(Bloomberg)  Macy’s, Renault Add to Fallen Angel Fear With Downgrades to Junk


  • The credit-rating downgrades of Macy’s Inc. and Renault SA to junk status are rekindling fears among investors of a potential uptick in so-called fallen angels after a run of relative tranquility in the U.S. corporate bond market.
  • The American retailer and French carmaker each lost an investment-grade rating Tuesday, affecting billions of dollars of debt. They follow Kraft Heinz Co., the iconic U.S. packaged-food company, which was downgraded to junk by two credit raters last Friday as its turnaround shows little signs of progress.
  • Even though Macy’s and Renault were downgraded for idiosyncratic reasons and will still trade in investment-grade indexes unless another credit-rating company follows suit, their cuts bring back to the fore what had been a central concern among investors less than two years ago: That a slowing global economy could hamper companies’ ability to service their obligations, especially those that had taken on significant debt loads to finance deals.
  • While many firms took actions to reduce debt levels in 2019, several are still proving to be susceptible to ratings risk. Kraft Heinz alone, with around $21 billion of debt leaving the Bloomberg Barclays investment-grade index at the end of this month, nearly eclipses last year’s fallen angel volume of just under $22 billion, according to Bank of America Corp. strategists. Macy’s has about $8 billion of total debt, while Renault’s roughly $66 billion is predominantly denominated in euros and yen, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
  • By year-end, the volume of fallen angels is likely to dwarf that of 2019, according UBS Group AG strategists led by Matthew Mish. They predict there could be as much as $90 billion of investment-grade debt downgraded to high yield this year. Guggenheim Partners has said as much as 20% of BBBs in the U.S., or $660 billion, will get cut to junk in the next downgrade wave.


(Reuters)  U.S. labor market remains strong; manufacturing likely stabilizing


  • The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits rose modestly last week, suggesting sustained labor market strength that could help to support the economy amid risks from the coronavirus and weak business investment.
  • There was encouraging news on the struggling manufacturing sector, with other data on Thursday showing factory activity in the mid-Atlantic region accelerated to a three-year high in February, likely as tensions in the 19-month trade war between the United States and China diminished.
  • But the coronavirus, which has killed more than 2,000 people, mostly in China, and Boeing’s suspension last month of the production of its troubled 737 MAX jetliner, grounded in March 2019 after two fatal crashes, continue to loom over the manufacturing sector.
  • Minutes of the Federal Reserve’s Jan. 28-29 meeting published on Wednesday showed policymakers “expected economic growth to continue at a moderate pace,” but expressed concern about possible economic risks from the coronavirus, which has also infected thousands globally.
  • “Manufacturing growth may be past its trough,” said Oren Klachkin, lead U.S. economist at Oxford Economics in New York. “However, looking ahead we continue to believe that activity will advance at a lackluster pace as global growth and trade policy headwinds are unlikely to significantly relent and the negative impact of the coronavirus will be felt via global supply chains interlinkages.”



(Bloomberg)  Aecom Conference Cancellation May Increase Deal Rumblings



  • Reports on Aecom not attending two industrial conferences this week are being “seen as a positive indication that the company might be in later-stage negotiations for a deal,” Baird analyst Andrew Wittmann wrote in a note.
  • Baird confirmed that Aecom canceled from a Citi conference, and is not in attendance at a Barclays conference
  • Wittmann noted previous reports that Aecom had been approached by WSP Global regarding a deal
14 Feb 2020

CAM High Yield Weekly Insights

Fund Flows & Issuance: According to a Wells Fargo report, flows week to date were $2.4 billion and year to date flows stand at $3.7 billion. New issuance for the week was $12.4 billion and year to date issuance is at $60.6 billion.



(Bloomberg) High Yield Market Highlights


  • Zayo Group Holdings Inc. is readying more than $3 billion of junk bonds, one of the biggest buyout financings since 2018 that may test investor appetite for riskier debt in the CAA tier.
  • The new notes, along with a leveraged loan package totaling more than $5b, will finance Zayo’s buyout by private equity firms Digital Colony Partners and EQT Partners
  • The bond portion of the offering may include $1b of seven-year secured notes and $2.1b of unsecured eight-year bonds, and marketing begins next Tuesday
  • It’s hitting the market after two straight weeks of gains for junk- bonds, which looks set to continue on Friday as stock futures edge higher and oil climbs
  • Triple C rated bonds have lagged the broader high-yield market so far this year, returning 0.942% through Thursday while the larger junk universe rose 1.11%
  • Yet CAA index yields have still fallen to a nine-month low of 9.71% and posted positive returns for three consecutive sessions this week. Other issuers, including Hecla Mining, have also priced debt in this rating range
  • Investors have plenty of cash to put to work too after corporate high-yield funds reported inflows
  • BA and single-B yields have fallen to a three- week low of 3.59% and 5%, respectively
  • BAs have gained for ten straight sessions, taking year-to-date returns to 1.175%  


  • (Bloomberg) Natural Gas Tumbles to 4-Year Low on ‘Epic’ U.S. Demand Loss


  • Natural gas futures sank to a four-year low as the latest U.S. forecasts all but eliminated bulls’ hopes for a late-winter cold push.
  • Frigid weather in parts of the Midwest and West this week won’t stick around for long, according to Commodity Weather Group LLC. Mild temperatures are poised to blanket the eastern half of the country in late February, a shift from previous outlooks that showed a lingering chill.
  • Unusually warm winter weather has wreaked havoc on gas demand, allowing an onslaught of supply from shale basins to overwhelm the market. American liquefied natural gas cargoes, a key outlet for production, are at risk of being curtailed as the coronavirus outbreak in China curbs consumption in the world’s second-largest economy. The resulting collapse in global gas prices is squeezing profits for U.S. exporters.
  • “The lack of heating demand is epic. It’s a worst-case scenario,” John Kilduff, founding partner at hedge fund Again Capital LLC in New York, said by phone. “We continue to have a very weak demand environment that’s persisted all winter.”
  • The gas glut has been especially severe in the Permian Basin, where local prices for March delivery have dropped below zero. Output from the West Texas and New Mexico shale play, where gas is extracted as a byproduct of oil drilling, is increasing so fast there isn’t enough space on pipelines to take it away.  


(Reuters) T-Mobile-Sprint merger wins approval from U.S. judge

  • T-Mobile edged closer to a takeover of Sprint Corp after a federal judge on Tuesday approved the deal, rejecting a claim by a group of states that said the proposed transaction would violate antitrust laws and raise prices.
  • During a two-week trial in December, T-Mobile and Sprint argued the merger will better equip the new company to compete with top players Verizon Communications Inc and AT&T Inc as the third-largest U.S. wireless carrier, creating a more efficient company with low prices and faster internet speeds.
  • Finalizing a deal will be a boon to Japan’s Softbank Group Corp, Sprint’s controlling shareholder, as the conglomerate offloads a troubled asset that has lost subscribers at a faster rate and as it seeks to secure funding for a second Vision Fund.
  • Sprint and T-Mobile said in a statement that they would move to finalize the merger, which is still subject to closing conditions and possible additional court proceedings.
  • A spokesman for the California Public Utilities Commission, the last regulatory body to decide on the merger, said its review of the deal is expected to conclude in July.


(Wall Street Journal) MGM Resorts Chief Set To Step Down


  • MGM Resorts International Chief Executive Jim Murren will leave the global casino operator after its board picks his successor, the company said.
  • Mr. Murren, who is also stepping down as chairman, has led the company since 2008. He is leaving before his contract expires at the end of 2021.
  • “When I thought through how I could best serve MGM going forward, I thought it was pretty clear that a leader should help lead a company into the next decade or two,” Mr. Murren said on a conference call with Wall Street analysts on Wednesday. “I wanted to make sure the board had the time, which it will use promptly, to do a robust search and find my successor.”
  • MGM Resorts, which has a market value of $17 billion, didn’t give a firm date for Mr. Murren’s departure. The board has formed a search committee to find a new CEO, the company said. Mr. Murren said he anticipates being on MGM Resorts’ next quarterly earnings call, in about three months.
  • The company has sold off much of its real estate, including deals with MGM Growth Properties, a real-estate investment trust MGM Resorts spun off in 2016, and other property deals. The company’s “asset-light” strategy is intended to pull cash out of the company’s valuable real estate, including prime locations on the Las Vegas Strip.
  • MGM Resorts’ remaining company-owned real estate includes MGM Springfield in Massachusetts, a 50% stake in CityCenter in Las Vegas and more than half of MGM Growth Properties.  






07 Feb 2020

CAM High Yield Weekly Insights

Fund Flows & Issuance:  According to a Wells Fargo report, flows week to date were $0.1 billion and year to date flows stand at $1.2 billion.  New issuance for the week was $12.5 billion and year to date issuance is at $48.2 billion.


(Bloomberg)  High Yield Market Highlights 

  • New issues have been well-received
  • Yet it’s looking like a risk-off day as stock futures slide on renewed fears of the spread of the coronavirus
  • Junk- bond yields have fallen 24bps in the past week. At 5.28%, they’re just 30bps off the 5.5-year low hit on Jan. 21
  • Spreads have tightened 34bps over the same period to 356bps over Treasuries
  • Even riskier debt has rallied with yields on CAAs falling below 10% for the first time in two weeks to 9.95%
  • Junk- bond investors are pouring money back into exchange-traded funds again
  • HYG and JNK, the two biggest high-yield ETFs, reported a combined inflow of $325m yesterday after $630m the previous day


(New York Times)  Some Takeaways From Trump’s State of the Union Address

  • President Trump framed his third year in office as an unmistakable success and his fourth as more of the same.
  • A partisan atmosphere loomed over the House floor from the very start of Mr. Trump’s speech, when Republican lawmakers chanted “four more years” after the president stepped up to the rostrum. The hostility carried through to the end, when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripped up a copy of the address after he finished delivering it.
  • He proclaimed that the economy was setting records, that American enemies were on the defense, and that the American spirit had been renewed.
  • “In just three short years, we have shattered the mentality of American decline and we have rejected the downsizing of America’s destiny,” he said. “We are moving forward at a pace that was unimaginable just a short time ago and we are never going back.”
  • Trump dived into the state of the economy at the top of the speech, making broad declarations about tax cuts, deregulation and the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement, the new version of which he signed into law last week.
  • Trump addressed two pieces of potential health care legislation that remain a top priority for both parties in the coming months: surprise billing and prescription drugs.
  • After signing an initial trade deal with China last month, Mr. Trump pointed on Tuesday to the tariffs he has imposed on the country in order to take on its “massive theft of America’s jobs.” He said that “our strategy has worked.”
  • Trump’s attention on foreign policy later swung to the Middle East, when he highlighted two people his administration killed in recent months: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State, and Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani, the powerful Iranian commander.


(Wall Street Journal)  Ford’s Operating Income Plunges

  • Ford Motor Co. said fourth-quarter operating income sank by two-thirds, and it issued a lower-than-expected profit outlook for 2020, the latest signs of trouble for Chief Executive Jim Hackett’s turnaround plan.
  • Ford said operating income for the October-to-December period was $485 million, down from $1.5 billion a year earlier. Earnings per share adjusted for one-time items were 12 cents, well short of analysts’ estimate of 17 cents.
  • The company’s financial standing has continued to weaken under Mr. Hackett, who was brought in nearly three years ago to revive the auto maker’s profit growth and give it a stronger vision for the future.
  • Revenue for the full year dropped 3% to $155.9 billion.
  • “Financially, it wasn’t OK,” finance chief Tim Stone said of the 2019 results during a discussion with reporters at Ford’s headquarters. “Strategically. . .I think we made strong progress.”
  • Ford pinned the shortfall in part on lower production volumes in North America stemming from problems with launches of key models, including the redesigned Explorer and Escape sport-utility vehicles and its Super Duty pickup truck. It also cited higher warranty costs and a bonus payout to United Auto Workers that totaled about $600 million.
  • The auto maker forecast operating profit this year of $5.6 billion to $6.6 billion, compared with $6.38 billion last year. That equals an earnings-per-share range of 94 cents to $1.20, which is lower than the average analysts’ estimate of $1.30, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence.
  • Hackett’s strategy to revitalize Ford — which includes a multiyear, multibillion-dollar restructuring — hasn’t returned the company to earnings growth or restored profitability overseas, where Ford is closing plants and shedding thousands of workers to cut costs.
  • “Financially, the company’s 2019 performance was short of our original expectations, mostly because our operational execution — which we usually do very well — wasn’t nearly good enough,” Mr. Hackett said. “We recognize, take accountability for and have made changes because of this.”
  • In a bright spot for the year, Ford trimmed its losses in overseas markets. It halved its China loss, to $771 million from $1.55 billion, which it attributed to cost cutting. In Europe, the company had a $47 million loss for the year, down from a $398 million loss a year earlier.
31 Jan 2020

CAM High Yield Weekly Insights

Fund Flows & Issuance:  According to a Wells Fargo report, flows week to date were -$2.7 billion.  New issuance for the week was $8.2 billion and year to date HY is at $35.7 billion.


(Bloomberg)  High Yield Market Highlights

  • S. junk-bonds are heading for their second weekly loss amid fears about the spreading coronavirus from China. Investors pulled $2.7 billion from high-yield retail funds, the biggest cash withdrawal in almost six months, and exchange-traded funds are continuing to leak cash.
  • Junk-bond returns turned negative for the second time this week posting a loss of 0.16% Thursday. The CAA index posted losses of 0.17% and is also set for its second weekly declines
  • Those falls may extend Friday with stock futures lower. Oil prices are higher this morning, but fell to an almost six-month low on Thursday, weighing on the high-yield energy index
  • Junk bond yields rose 9 basis points to 5.49%, the biggest weekly jump since October, while spreads widened 11 basis points to 382 basis points over Treasuries
  • Single-B yields jumped 10 basis points to 5.46%, while CAA yields rose 9 basis points to 10.32%
  • The two biggest high-yield ETFs — HYG and JNK — saw a combined outflow of $547 million in the last session as outflows continue


(Business Wire)  Arconic Reports Financial Results

  • Arconic Inc. reported fourth quarter 2019 and full year 2019 results. The Company reported fourth quarter revenues of $3.4 billion, down 2% year over year. Organic revenue was up 1% year over year on growth in the aerospace, packaging and industrial markets and favorable product pricing, largely offset by weakness in the automotive, commercial transportation, and building and construction markets.
  • Operating income excluding special items was $444 million, up 37% year over year, driven by net cost reductions, favorable product pricing, and favorable aluminum and raw material costs, partially offset by lower volumes in automotive and commercial transportation. Full year 2019 operating income was $1.0 billion versus $1.3 billion in the full year 2018. Operating income excluding special items for full year 2019 was $1.8 billion versus $1.4 billion in the full year 2018, driven by favorable product pricing; net cost reductions; volume growth in aerospace, packaging and commercial transportation markets; and favorable aluminum and raw material costs. These impacts were partially offset by unfavorable product mix.
  • Arconic Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John Plant said, “In 2019, the Arconic team delivered improved revenue, adjusted operating income, adjusted operating income margin, adjusted free cash flow and adjusted earnings per share. Arconic’s 2019 return on net assets improved by 450 basis points year over year to 13.7%.”


(Bloomberg)  Fed Holds Main Rate as Powell Stresses Need to Hit 2% Inflation

  • The Federal Reserve kept its key interest rate unchanged and continued to signal policy would stay on hold for the time being, while stressing the importance of lifting inflation to officials’ target.
  • The central bank also made a technical adjustment to the rate it pays on reserve balances and said it would extend at least through April a program aimed at smoothing volatility in
    money markets.
  • “We believe monetary policy is well positioned to serve the American people by supporting continued economic growth,” Chairman Jerome Powell told a press conference Wednesday in Washington.
  • Officials kept the target range of the benchmark federal funds rate at 1.5% to 1.75% and called that stance “appropriate to support sustained expansion of economic activity.”
  • S. stocks erased gains while yields on the 10-year Treasury note declined and the dollar fluctuated. Traders extended bets the Fed would cut rates toward the end of this year.
  • “The Fed has made it clear that the barriers to move in either direction are quite high,” said said Daniel Ahn, the chief U.S. economist at BNP Paribas. “But we believe the wall
    for a cut is lower than the wall for a hike.” He detected a “dovish tilt” in Powell’s efforts to stress the Fed was uncomfortable with inflation running persistently too low.
  • Policy makers changed their statement to say that the current stance of monetary policy is appropriate to support “inflation returning to the committee’s symmetric 2% objective.” Previously they had said policy was supporting inflation “near” the goal.
  • Powell explained in his press conference that the change was made to send “a clearer signal” that the committee was not comfortable with inflation running persistently below target. “We wanted to underscore our commitment to 2% not being a ceiling,” he said.
  • Their preferred gauge of price pressures — the personal consumption expenditures price index — rose 1.5% for the 12 months ending in November. Powell said inflation was expected to move closer to 2% over the next few months thanks to so-called base effects, “as unusually low readings from early 2019 drop out of the calculation.”


24 Jan 2020

CAM High Yield Weekly Insights

Fund Flows & Issuance:  According to a Wells Fargo report, flows week to date were $0.9 billion.  New issuance for the week was $13.2 billion and year to date HY is at $27.4 billion.


(Bloomberg)  High Yield Market Highlights

  • S. junk bonds posted a third straight day of losses as issuance neared $32 billion, the most for a January in more than a decade.
  • Borrowers are rushing to take advantage of low rates before the window closes
  • Markets may see support today as stock futures climb on economic data and investors set aside concerns about a deadly virus from China hampering growth
  • Yields rose 8bps to 5.17%, a three week high, as stocks fluctuated and oil dropped to an eight-week low
  • Spreads widened 8bps to +340, a six week high
  • Energy yields jumped 30bps to 8.56%, the biggest increase in more than five months
  • Energy index posted a loss of 0.675%, the biggest loss since October,
  • CAA yields were back at 10%, returns were negative for a third day
  • Retail funds have reported three straight weeks of inflow, the longest streak in almost three months


(Wall Street Journal)  Glut Pushes Natural Gas Prices Below $2 

  • The price of natural gas typically rises this time of year as temperatures plunge and homeowners dial up their thermostats. Instead, the price of the heating and electricity-generating fuel has dropped to multiyear lows.
  • On Tuesday, natural-gas futures fell below $2 per million British thermal units to their lowest level in nearly four years, highlighting how a persistent glut has buffeted energy investors and producers. This winter’s mild weather has joined an oversupply of the commodity to push natural-gas prices down to levels not seen since March 2016. On Tuesday, futures fell 5.4% to $1.895 per MMBtu.
  • The shale boom, spurred by horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing techniques, has transformed the U.S. energy industry and flooded the market with oil and natural gas in recent years. The decline in prices has hit shares of energy companies, raising calls for them to curtail production. But few analysts see signs of the glut abating soon: The U.S. Energy Information Administration predicts dry natural-gas production in the U.S. will rise by 2.9% in 2020.
  • The fall in prices has come faster than analysts and traders had predicted. Colder winter temperatures typically drive up prices as homeowners demand more fuel to heat their houses. However, warmer-than-expected weather this season has helped drive prices down, adding to investors’ grim outlook.
  • On Tuesday, oil-field services company Halliburton Co. said it swung to a loss in 2019 on a decline in revenue that it blamed on diminished drilling onshore in North America, which in turn was due to low commodity prices.
  • “Gas prices in the U.S. are below break-even levels,” Chief Executive Jeffrey Miller told analysts and investors. Mr. Miller said that he expects a 10% reduction in spending among the oil-field services company’s customers in North America, with the bulk of those cuts coming in gas-producing regions. Halliburton has been idling equipment to match customers’ reduced needs, he said.


(Bloomberg)  Junk Bond Volume Nears $30 Billion in Refi Frenzy

  • The U.S. junk-bond market is on track for its busiest January in at least a decade with volume poised to exceed $30 billion as companies rush to refinance at cheap rates.
  • At least seven issuers are looking to sell debt on Thursday after an already hectic pace. Those deals will potentially take new issue volume to $30.8 billion, the most for any January since 2006, according to data compiled by Bloomberg
  • Companies are mostly selling debt to refinance. Some of those issuers are replacing loans with bonds
  • Garda World Security, owned by private-equity firm BC Partners, is marketing $400 million 7 year senior secured notes to take out a term loan
  • It’s at least the third company to do so this month amid more favorable pricing — in some cases — for bonds
  • Another BC Partners portfolio company, Presidio, priced secured bonds at a cheaper rate than loans last week
  • Grocer Albertsons also sold $2.35 billion of bonds on Wednesday to refinance loans
  • The primary market appears open to the deals in the lowest CAA junk rating tier. Community Health and Altice are in market with bonds that have at least one rating in that range
  • Junk-bond spreads widened to a two-week high on Wednesday, and may weaken more as stocks fall and oil prices fall to an almost eight-week low of $55.51 a barrel
23 Jan 2020


In the fourth quarter of 2019, the Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate High Yield Index (“Index”) return was 2.62% bringing the year to date (“YTD”) return to 14.32%. The CAM High Yield Composite gross total return for the fourth quarter was 2.37% bringing the YTD return to 16.31%. The S&P 500 stock index return was 9.06% (including dividends reinvested) for Q4, and the YTD return stands at 31.48%. The 10 year US Treasury rate (“10 year”) drifted higher throughout the quarter finishing at 1.92%, up 0.26% from the beginning of the quarter. During the quarter, the Index option adjusted spread (“OAS”) tightened 37 basis points moving from 373 basis points to 336 basis points. During the fourth quarter, each quality segment of the High Yield Market participated in the spread tightening as BB rated securities tightened 33 basis points, B rated securities tightened 46 basis points, and CCC rated securities, tightened 22 basis points. 

The Banking, Finance, and Basic Industry sectors were the best performers during the quarter, posting returns of 3.56%, 3.54%, and 3.25%, respectively. On the other hand, REITs, Communications, and Other Financial were the worst performing sectors, posting returns of 1.30%, 1.74%, and 2.00%, respectively. At the industry level, autos, wirelines, pharma, and oil field services all posted the best returns. The automotive industry (4.97%) posted the highest return. The lowest performing industries during the quarter were tobacco, retail REITs, leisure, and cable. The tobacco industry (-3.08%) posted the lowest return. 

During the fourth quarter, the high yield primary market posted $81.4 billion in issuance. Issuance within Consumer Discretionary was the strongest with 18% of the total during the quarter. The 2019 fourth quarter level of issuance was much more than the $16.9 billion posted during the fourth quarter of 2018. Wall Street strategists are calling for slightly less overall issuance in 2020. However, the issuance is likely to remain focused on refinancing. 

The Federal Reserve held two meetings during Q4 2019, and the Federal Funds Target Rate was reduced 0.25% at October meeting and held steady at the December meeting. The rate reduction marked the third move lower of the Target Rate in 2019. While the past four Fed meetings had dissenting members, the vote to hold steady was unanimous among the voting members. Chairman Powell commented, “our economic outlook remains a favorable one despite global developments and ongoing risks. As long as incoming information about the economy remains broadly consistent with this outlook, the current stance of monetary policy likely will remain appropriate.” Although Chair Powell’s comments point to the Fed continuing to hold rates flat; as of this writing, investors are pricing in a 54% probability of a cut by the FOMC during 2020.i While we are interest rate agnostic and do not attempt to time interest rate movements, we are very aware of the impact Fed policy has on the markets. Therefore, we will continue to monitor this very important theme throughout 2020. 

While the Target Rate moves tend to have a more immediate impact on the short end of the yield curve, yields on intermediate Treasuries increased 26 basis points over the quarter, as the 10-year Treasury yield was at 1.66% on September 30th, and 1.92% at the end of the quarter. The 5-year Treasury increased 15 basis points over the quarter, moving from 1.54% on September 30th, to 1.69% at the end of the quarter. Intermediate term yields more often reflect GDP and expectations for future economic growth and inflation rather than actions taken by the FOMC to adjust the Target Rate. Inflation as measured by core CPI has been testing the upper bound of the last several years. The most recent print was 2.3% as of the December 11th report. The revised third quarter GDP print was 2.1% (quarter over quarter annualized rate). The consensus view of economists suggests a GDP for 2019 around 1.8% with inflation expectations around 2.1%. 

The chart above shows that two year to ten year Treasury spread has reached the highest level in over a year. It seems like ages since a main theme was yield curve inversion. The dip in the ratio through August was “driven by deepening pessimism over the global outlook amid rising trade tensions and a string of weak manufacturing data.”ii Since that time, China and the U.S. have reached agreement on Phase 1 of a trade deal, the Fed has begun lowering rates for the first time in over a decade, and investor sentiment has improved.

President Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives in December. The market shrugged off the news fully expecting the Senate to provide an acquittal. Meanwhile, the agreed upon Phase 1 trade deal “will see lower U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods and higher Chinese purchases of U.S. farm, energy and manufactured goods.”iii Additionally, intellectual property protections are to be increased by the Chinese. Across the Atlantic, Brexit is looking more and more likely. Britain’s exit from the European Union still has some hurdles to jump, but U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is pressing to deliver by the January 31, 2020 cutoff.

Being a more conservative asset manager, Cincinnati Asset Management is structurally underweight CCC and lower rated securities. This positioning has served our clients well in 2019. As noted above, our High Yield Composite gross total return has outperformed the Index over the YTD measurement period. With the market remaining robust during the fourth quarter, our cash position remained the largest drag on our overall performance. Further, our structurally underweight of CCC rated securities was a headwind as that group saw a pop in Q4 after lagging in Q2 and Q3. Additionally, our underweight positioning in the energy exploration & production and oil field services industries were a drag on our performance. Further, our credit selections within the consumer non-cyclical sector and wireline industry hurt performance. However, our underweight in the cable industry and our overweight in the consumer cyclical sector were bright spots. Further, our credit selections within the midstream and automotive industries were a benefit to performance. 

The Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate High Yield Index ended the fourth quarter with a yield of 5.19%. This yield is an average that is barbelled by the CCC-rated cohort yielding 10.43% and a BB rated slice yielding 3.63%. Equity volatility, as measured by the Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index (“VIX”), remained fairly muted ending the quarter just under 14 down about 2 points. The fourth quarter had seven issuers default on their debt. The twelve month default rate was 2.63% and has been driven by default volume in the energy and metals & mining sectors. Excluding those two sectors from the data, the default rate would fall to only 1.26%.iv Additionally, fundamentals of high yield companies continue to be mostly good. From a technical perspective, supply has increased from the low levels posted in 2018, and flows have been positive relative to the negative flows of 2018. Due to the historically below average default rates, the higher yields available relative to other spread product, and the diversification benefit in the High Yield Market, it is very much an area of select opportunity that deserves to be represented in many client portfolio allocations. 

With the High Yield Market remaining very firm in terms of performance, it is important that we exercise discipline and selectivity in our credit choices moving forward. With the market seemingly tight on a yield and spread basis relative to the last couple of decades, we are on the lookout for pitfalls as well as opportunities for our clients. The market needs to be carefully monitored to evaluate that the given compensation for the perceived level of risk remains appropriate on a security by security basis. It is important to focus on credit research and buy bonds of corporations that can withstand economic headwinds and also enjoy improved credit metrics in a stable to improving economy. As always, we will continue our search for value and adjust positions as we uncover compelling situations. 

This information is intended solely to report on investment strategies identified by Cincinnati Asset Management. Opinions and estimates offered constitute our judgment and are subject to change without notice, as are statements of financial market trends, which are based on current market conditions. This material is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument. Fixed income securities may be sensitive to prevailing interest rates. When rates rise the value generally declines. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Gross of advisory fee performance does not reflect the deduction of investment advisory fees. Our advisory fees are disclosed in Form ADV Part 2A. Accounts managed through brokerage firm programs usually will include additional fees. Returns are calculated monthly in U.S. dollars and include reinvestment of dividends and interest. The index is unmanaged and does not take into account fees, expenses, and transaction costs. It is shown for comparative purposes and is based on information generally available to the public from sources believed to be reliable. No representation is made to its accuracy or completeness.

i Bloomberg January 2, 2020, 4:00 PM EDT: World Interest Rate Probability (WIRP)
ii Bloomberg December 19, 2019: “Yield Curve Hits Steepest Since 2018 as Inflation Risks Eyed”
iii Reuters December 19, 2019: “China says in touch with U.S. on signing of Phase 1 trade deal”
iv JP Morgan January 2, 2020: “Default Monitor”