CAM High Yield Weekly Insights

CAM High Yield Weekly Insights

(Bloomberg)  High Yield Market Highlights

  • US junk bonds are headed for their seventh week of gains, which would match the run at the end of last year, though an 11-day winning streak ended Thursday amid broad weakness in equities.
  • Though high yield overall lost 0.02%, CCCs continued to rebound from their underperformance
  • That riskiest part of the junk bond market returned 01% to post a 12th-consecutive gain, the longest since March
  • This week’s fresh gains have followed a bevy of Fed officials acknowledging the economy is slowing and inflation is cooling
  • Chicago Fed President Austan Goolsbee was the latest to suggest that the central bank may need to lower borrowing costs soon in order to avoid a sharper deterioration in the labor market
  • Spreads have been range-bound despite volatility partly due to positioning, Barclays’ Brad Rogoff and Dominique Toublan wrote on Friday, but also because of expectations that the economy will remain on a good path while credit fundamentals continue to be positive
  • Despite the typical summer lull, four borrowers have sold $3b of notes this week, including CCC-rated bonds



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